Monday, September 15, 2008

Singapore's Richest Churches

I found this interesting posting by Blogpastor on the subject of the riches church. Read the full article Singapore's Richest Churches

Perhaps we should then relook at this past post for reflection - more-on-tithings


testingblog said...

I see that the retard Lim Kopi still refused to stop being a retard. You're on your way to hell, childish, stupid idiot. Call yourself a mature 41-50 year old man? My foot.

testingblog said...

You are one childish, persistent retard. Your God is dead. Mine is alive.

And no, people, DON'T visit the forum and read his posts lest you get brain damage. They're retarded when replying to the great Atheists prowling there, and even more retarded when replying to the Christians regarding salvation.

testingblog said...

By the way, how old are you, retard Lim?

testingblog said...


testingblog said...

oh BTW, mr. chadley spoke much better than you despite his beliefs. Your wrong use of Bible verses proves your moronic thinking that you can be saved by your filthy rags disguised as good deeds.

testingblog said...

Yep I agree with the above post. Lim Kopi can't even think properly when he posts in forums. Pretty much Catholic after all huh? Proves why we Evangelicals have the superior belief.

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