Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A sad story of a "murder" done unknowingly

Woman pregnancy month by month.Image via WikipediaI read with great sadness of a murder committed unknowingly by a mother.

A mother by the name of Wendy Tan has written to the Straits Time Forum to lament "Why working mum stopped at two, not 4". You can read the whole story here.

While Wendy is complaining on how tough life is for her and her husband to juggling career and family, she reveal a disturbing fact. That she "made a very hard decision to terminate the pregnancy" when she was third time pregnant. The reason : "We just did not have the energy to cope with a third because the first two had taken up all the energy we had."

While I can understand and appreciate her difficulties and struggle (which most of us faces today anyway), I can hardly understand the reason to terminate the pregnancy.

Perhaps, Wendy and her husband do not share the same value as me and many others who have commented. No matter how I try to see it, it is still murder.

It was an extreme cruel case of parents killig the unborn babies out of financial considerations. Is life (2 lives at that) really that worthless? Can we kill our unborn child without remorse due to financial considerations?

May God bless the unfortunate twins.
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