Saturday, January 3, 2009

Epiphany Of The Lord

Adoration of the Wise Men by MurilloImage via WikipediaThis week, we celebrate the Epiphany Of The Lord and the readings are as follows:
[Isaiah 60: 1-6] [Ephesians 3: 2-3, 5-6] [Matthew 2: 1-12]

What is the Epiphany Of The Lord?

Originally it was the Christmas feast of the Eastern part of the Christian Church. In the Western part the stress of Christmas was and is on the birth of Christ as the little human child.

In the Eastern part the stress is more on Jesus coming as the Lord and Saviour of all. This is the reality the liturgy stresses today: Jesus came to save and bring life to all. No one is excluded, no one is a stranger to him. May all come to know Jesus, alive here among us.

In the readings today, we see how the Magi (probably from Persia) followed the stars and found baby Jesus whom they came to pay their homage. There is a very important significance in this as the Magi are gentiles. This really means that God’s salvation plan is for all and no one is excluded which remind me of Jn 3:16 which so many of my protestants friends loved to quote. God indeed send His only Son to save the world and not only Christians.

God has given us Jesus Christ as the Gift who brings light to our dark world Jesus is born for us – He brings the joy, peace and hope to the world that needs them so badly.

How about us? Are we a light to our family members, relatives and friends?

By being a loving, gentle and kind person to our family members, relatives and friends we too can bring joy, peace and hope to them.

Another aspect to note is that in celebration of the Eucharist that we remember that Jesus offered the Gift of Himself to God. He is offered for our salvation. Thus by following the teachings of Jesus, we can also offer ourselves as near perfect gifts to God our Father.

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