Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What is Christmas?

Jesus is the  LightImage by Rio Calle via FlickrIt is that time of the year again when we are all busy preparing to celebrate Christmas. What really is Christmas to you?

In today’s world, Christmas has become very much a public holiday, a time to get away, a time to party and a time to splurge on oneself after a year of hard work.

This is what the Archbishop Chia called “consumerism” mindset. The true meaning behind Christmas is lost even to us Christians.

Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Christ and to bring the good news to our neighbour. The good news about our salvation and love of God with the coming of Jesus Christ our Lord.

As the Archbishop said: “There is no Christmas without Christ and so Christ must be the center of our celebrations. This means that our celebration of Christmas must be a celebration of love: “God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son.”

And he continued to said: “let us prepare to celebrate Christmas in the proper way. Make Christ the center of our celebration. Share Him with others by reaching out in love especially to those in need. In doing this, Christmas will truly be CHRIST-mas for us.”

So as Christians, are we ready to go and reach out to our neighbours and share Christ with them? And if you are looking for excuses such as I don’t know how, here is an article that will give you some ideas….click here to read.

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