Wednesday, December 3, 2008

First Sunday of Advent

Icon of Second Coming (also used for All Saint...Image via WikipediaThis past week-end marks the start of a new liturgical year for the Catholic Church. This week's reading are as follows :
[Isaiah 63:16-17, 19] [1 Corinthians 1:3-9] [Mark 13:33-37]

The readings this week has special meanings for me after reading the many postings on the various forums. The debate on salvation, second coming of Christ, the end of the world etc..

The Gospel that Jesus teaches us is "pretty simple" and that is to love our neighbour and I truly believed that Christians can make our home a better place by following Christ and loving our neighbour just as God has loved us.

Then we should just "stay awake and be alert" waiting for the coming of Christ. When? It doesn't really matter because we really don't know as only the Father does. What is more important is : Are we ready for His coming?

Are we ready to receive Him and are we ready to answer Him when he asked:
- Did you feed me when I am hungry?
- Did you give me water when I am thirsty?
- Did you clothed me when I am naked?
- Did you visit me in hospital when I am sick?
- Did you visit me in prison when I am lonely?

In conclusion, did we love our neighbour and be a true disciple of Christ? Or are we still talking about our how much faith we have and how other faith (even denominations) are false etc...?

This first Sunday of Advent is a waking up call for us and a time for us to start thinking what we have done for the past year, to confess our sins and pray to God to help us be his true disciple.

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