Friday, November 7, 2008

What is a diocesan priest?

PARIS - SEPTEMBER 12:  Pope  Benedict XVI wave...Image by Getty Images via DaylifeCatholic priests in Singapore are either diocesan or religious (e.g. Redemptorists, Franciscans, Carmelites, Jesuits and Dominicians). However, they sahre a common identity as "Alter Christus" (Another Christ) and exercise common ministerial functions.

Diocesan priests:

- Commit their lives to serving the people of God in a diocese (a geographical area under the jurisdiction of a bishop).

- Make promise of celibacy and obedience (whereas priests from religious orders take an additional vow of poverty).

- Live life like their parishioners - they can buy their personal things and plan their own recreation.

- Render pastoral care to parishioners from cradle to grave, administer the sacraments, lead in prayer and worship, give faith and moral formations

Above source : Catholic News 9 Nov 2008.

Additional information:

- Priests live in Churches.

- Have no salary or CPF and current allowance is about $ 500 per month.

- A priest goes through 7-8 years of training in a seminary before they can be ordained as priest.

Hope this help to give a better understanding of a priests.

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