Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Deeper Look At New Creation Church Joseph Prince’s Destined to Reign

Book cover of Book cover via AmazonI come across an interesting review about the book written by Joseph Prince - Destined to Reign.

You can read all about the review at HERE.

Why do I even bother to blog about this?

I am disturbed by that fact that I have come across quite a few people who seems to believe that they can understand the bible by reading them on their own. And from there, they have their own version of the gospel and start to question that other main stream Churches teachings.

Well it is good to question and search for the truth, it is disturbing to see how they have a twisted version simply by reading the books of similiar believers. Thus, a whole new set of wrong beliefs are believed as the "truth" by these people.

Mega church pastors are some of such people in my opinion. I always question where do they receive their training?

Can a self proclaimed vision give one the authority to preach? More importantly, are the preaching defensible by the bible?

I am sure many who have experience and contact with such church goers will know the answer.

Let's pray that these people continue to explore and not be taken in by sugar-coated grace ministry that is leading one away from God.

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