Monday, October 13, 2008

Is God going to make me rich?

Chippendale Bible BeltImage by alimander via FlickrI was reading a impromptu remark that the pope made at the opening session of the world Synod of Bishops on the Bible and I would like to share it with you here:

“He (the pope) said the morning's Scripture readings had brought to mind Christ's parable of the two houses, one built on sand and one built on rock.

"On sand is built only things we can see and touch: success, career, money. Apparently they are real, but one day they pass," he said. He said the banking crisis demonstrated how quickly they can disappear.

"Whoever builds his life on these things -- on material things, on success, on appearances -- is building on sand," he said.

The true realist is someone who builds his life on the things that remain, recognizing God's place in his own life, he said.”

You can read the entire article (if you have interest) at

When we look around, we see that most of the people around us are comparing children’s results, who spend more time at work, who has more business travels, who is buying shares and properties, whose house is bigger and whose car is faster…..

People’s perception of life and living has taken a new twist as compared to people of the early churches.

God’s providence is long forgotten…… when was the last time we feel grateful (to God) that we have a roof over our head, regular meals on the table and a peaceful society to live in?

Now, some dubious preacher is preaching that “I am rich and that’s a shinning testimony that God is with me” and you can be rich too – if you come to me.

So are they teaching us to build our house on sand or on rock?

Jesus chose to be poor and so do all His apostles. I do not think that He wants us to be living like a pauper. Rather, He is teaching us to live a simple life and not be tempted by greed of materials wealth that will not last (Mt 6:19-21. We should seek for the true treasure that is in Heaven. He led by example and live a simple life as St Palu said in Rm2:21 “so then, in teaching others, do you teach yourself as well?“

So, pastors with semi-D, condos and conti cars seems out of place especially when they live on money that comes from goodwill of church goers.

These funds should be channelled into helping the poor and needy of the society. Isn’t this the best way of doing God’s work, evangelizing, spreading God’s love (good news) and to show them that God loves and care for them? Why do you think Jesus chose us to be Christians? And remember that Jesus said He is here to serve and not to be served. Should we as His followers not do the same?

Though the funds could amount to large sums and can be tempting, let us remember that in MT4, Jesus too was tempted by Satan but He never give in so that all He can have “all the kingdoms of the world and their splendour”.

Remember, Jesus was very tired and hungry at that time.

So let us look beyond the material riches of this world and start seeking the true meaning of being a Christian and live our life to the fullest – the Christian way. A life that is of faith, hope and love. Not money, money and more money…..

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