Monday, May 12, 2008

Who are Christians ?

2nd quarter of 17th centuryImage via WikipediaI have been looking in some Christians forums recently and I am shocked to see how "twisted" some of them are.....

Christianity is a simple and straight forward religion to me. It all means that we believe in 1 God who created everything on earth (seen and unseen). God loved us so much that he send his only son Jesus Christ to save us from our sins so that we can have eternal life.

So, why did Jesus came on earth as a fellow human being? It's God's way of revealing himself to us (as God is unseen) so that we can know and be close to him.

Jesus taught his disciples by telling stories (parables)
and what we need to do in order to be saved. These stories and Jesus teachings can be found in the 4 Gospels - Mathew, Mark, Luke and John.

Jesus in all his parables are teaching people to be good and to love one another.

I fail to see how so many people can be quoting so many verses (or rather mis-quoting) and end up with so many "funny attiudes".....

Christianity is all about Faith, Hope and Love.....

I will be posting the parables as taught by Jesus and share my thoughts with you especially non-Christians so that you will know that many Christians out there who disgusted you are simply mis-guided.

Before I do that, I will like to spend some time to post on a few commonly heard "complaints" of Christians from non-Christians so that you know that they are not Jesus's teachings.

If you have some thoughts, I welcome you to share with me by posting your comments.

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