Monday, May 26, 2008

Feast of Corpus Christi

Over the week-end Catholics celebrated the feast of Corpus Christi - the Body of Christ.

I came across "Eucharist should make us attentive to needs of the poor, Benedict XVI teaches" and would like to share it here with you.

Click on the link to read yourself.

Let's make an effort to remember the needy every time we receive the holy communion.

God Bless You!

Monday, May 19, 2008

How Great Thou Art - By Elvis Presley

Proof of God's Grace and Miracle....

Just to share with you guys that God's grace and miracle do happen. This may not be the latest news but there are many who are not aware.

In March, we have the first Christian Church opened in Qatar!

Who would have imagined that with current tension between Muslim and the Western countries, a Christian Church is allowed in Qatar?

Sorry guys (non-Catholics), it has to be a Catholic Church!

Well, it is only possible with God's grace and God's will. Of course, the good works of the Christians that make that happen through plenty of prayers and intercessions. The Church is a great news to the many migrant workers there.

Click here to see the news.

Negotiation is under-going for a Church to be build in Saudi Arabia and all Christians should pray for it's success.....

God Bless you!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Should all Christian tithe ?

I came across this interesting forum where the discussion on "Should Christians tithe?" was thoroughly discussed.

There are many quotes, misquotes and quoting out of context from the bible.

In the end, the truth prevail and all mis-quoting and quoting out of context was explained and exposed. More importantly, they are debunk using the bible.

I strongly encourage all to read through all the posts (I know it is very long - 9 pages at this time of my posting) but you will learn a great deal.

Find out the truth about tithing HERE.

If you believed that you must tithe or you are in sin, you must read this thread.

God Bless All Of You!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Why am I Catholic?

Story from Aunty Helen......Christians are heartless

A friend I call Aunty Helen told me a story about her relative which I think will ring a bell to many of us.

Her relative lost a grandmother and they were mourning over their lost. Their hurt was magnified by the absence of 3 grandchildren. All 3 grandchildren are brought up by the grandmother since they are a baby (as their parents are working).

Now in their young adults years, they have become Christians and they cannot attend the wake which is conducted by another faith. They do not attend the funeral as well.

The family are very upset by this and wonder why Christianity taught the 3 grandchildren to do what they did.

This is also one of the reasons that I heard from many friends that is a stumbling block to them becoming Christians. Their aged parent (non-Christians) are afraid that there was be no one to send them off of their last journey.

How sad that can be. Anyone who bother to search the entire bible will never find any teaching to support such actions (of not attending wake / funerals conducted by another faith).

In fact, one of the 10 Commandments says to "Honor your father and mother" but it does not limit just to your parents but it simply means respect and honor all your elders.

So, can Christians attend the wake and funeral? Of Course they can!

The common reasons that Christians used is that they cannot hold joss sticks as they believe in 1 God and will not worship any idols etc....

They do not want to use the wisdom that God bless them with to know that holding joss sticks is not even close to worshiping anything....

On top of that, a wake and funeral is a simple act of respecting the dead person and sending them off on their last journey. It is a sign of respect and not worshiping any idols or another god.

Another point that Christians says is that it is more important to honor them when they are alive (which I whole heartedly agrees) and when one is dead, it's only the body left.

God, where did they get this idea is clear to all Christians that our body is the temple of God and must be treated with respect!

Therefore, any church that teaches this is flawed and the bible does not support that. Jesus does not support that teaching too.

So why follow?

** Need to clarify that if one is to hold joss stick and pray to another god then, it is not acceptable because we believe only in 1 God. But, we do respect all other religions although we do not participate in their worship **

Who are Christians ?

2nd quarter of 17th centuryImage via WikipediaI have been looking in some Christians forums recently and I am shocked to see how "twisted" some of them are.....

Christianity is a simple and straight forward religion to me. It all means that we believe in 1 God who created everything on earth (seen and unseen). God loved us so much that he send his only son Jesus Christ to save us from our sins so that we can have eternal life.

So, why did Jesus came on earth as a fellow human being? It's God's way of revealing himself to us (as God is unseen) so that we can know and be close to him.

Jesus taught his disciples by telling stories (parables)
and what we need to do in order to be saved. These stories and Jesus teachings can be found in the 4 Gospels - Mathew, Mark, Luke and John.

Jesus in all his parables are teaching people to be good and to love one another.

I fail to see how so many people can be quoting so many verses (or rather mis-quoting) and end up with so many "funny attiudes".....

Christianity is all about Faith, Hope and Love.....

I will be posting the parables as taught by Jesus and share my thoughts with you especially non-Christians so that you will know that many Christians out there who disgusted you are simply mis-guided.

Before I do that, I will like to spend some time to post on a few commonly heard "complaints" of Christians from non-Christians so that you know that they are not Jesus's teachings.

If you have some thoughts, I welcome you to share with me by posting your comments.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Great example of what a Christian should be...

I read with great interest about this lady who answered God's calling and became a nun at a tender age of 21.

She helped many of the poorest and neediest people in the slumps and even won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

I am talking about Mother Teresa and you can read a brief account of her HERE.

What she has done would fit everything that Jesus says the Last Judgment will be in Matthew.

And it is no suprise that she is on her way to Sainthood.

Here is an example of a great Christian - a Catholic one.

Let's pray that more people can follow her fine example.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Truth About Catholic Priests


Found a interesting video about the truth about Catholic priests......enjoy it.

Christian's Unity ?

c. 1220Image via WikipediaDespite all the mud-slinging among Christians, it is very heart warming to know that some of the so called "main stream" Christians denominations are doing otherwise.

On 23 January 2008, ministers from the Orthodox, Protestant and Roman Catholic churches gathered as part of a global ecumenical movement to encourage Christians to live out their God-given unity in Christ through prayer, and to promote greater dialogue among churches and Christian communities.

This year’s movement celebrates its 100th anniversary and wonder how many Christians is aware of this....

So for those who are still arguing, why not pray for unity in the name of Christ?

CLICK HERE for more information of the prayer session and photos.

God Bless you.

What Is Christianity ?

2nd quarter of 17th centuryImage via WikipediaThere are lots of discussions on the forums on Christianity....more accurately, which is the true Christianity.

Well, lots of arguments out there and many Bible verses quoted. For people who do read such arguments, take note when bible verses are quoted and then proven that they are mis-quoted by someone almost always happened that people who quote them are from particular denomination.

Why are there so many denomination in the first place?

Christianity is about believing in God and his son Jesus Christ. In particular, that God send his only son to save the world. Jesus was born a man and lived like one of us and among us.

If you truly wants to know what is Christianity, I think we should turn to Jesus Christ for answer.

For that, I suggest that one focus on the 4 gospel in the New Testament namely : Mathew, Mark, John and Luke.

In these 4 books, you get to learn what Jesus is teaching us.

You will realised that Christianity is all above faith, hope and love.....

My Favourite Hym